Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 4

I know if I don't stay strong on posting about the trip while it is fresh and while help is here, I will never get to it! 

The girls didn't think they wanted to nap yesterday.  My mom went with us to the Doctor and after that ordeal, Jada, Adia and Mommy fell into bed at 3:45 pm. Jon had to work a little late yesterday and got home at about 7:00 to find us all still sleeping!  So much for an 8:00 bedtime! 

We tried to wake the girls but they were out.  Thinking a stroller ride might help, we continued to try and shake them up...to no avail. 

Jada says, "Are you serious?"
Daddy gives Adia her first botany lesson

Nope, totally out...

After baths and a scream fest, we tried again and they went to bed about 9:30!  Oops, this is not helping their schedules! 

***Side Note*** To the mothers who recommended the Boppy Pillow and the Bumbo Seat, THANK YOU!  Adia is watching me from her Bumbo. 

Day 4- Ziway
We went to visit Gary and Peggy Ifft, missionaries who have started "Miskana Ministries".  Kevin and Erica lined up a driver for us, but last minute, we got a different driver because the first driver totalled his SUV on a donkey.  We knew we had to get back before dark because we heard the road was "dangerous." We had heard Ethiopia was so safe and so we inquired as to why it was dangerous. It is totally because of all the wandering donkeys, goats and cows.   

It was about 3 hours out of the city and very green and lush

We visited projects funded by Loving Shepherd Ministries, Gobena Coffee, Lifesong, Compassion International and Miskana Ministries
We visited a nursery school
We saw so many sweet faces!  There is also a feeding program there, breakfast and lunch for the kids.
Visiting another school
Beat Box transcends any language barriers.  :)
The kids had really generous portions and in Ethiopia, you don't use silverware, even for soup!
The bridge built by LSM so the people could cross without fear of the hippos.  Not kidding, they are ferocious!
Gary and Peggy with their right-hand-man, unfortunately, I can't remember his name!
Crossing the bridge into Bochessa
Typical housing
A little boy who needs surgery and is going to get it!
Kids walking to do laundry in the lake

Visiting the Lake and seeing very large herons
like swoop you away big herons! :)

We ate fresh fried fish by the lake that was delicious. It was fried up right in front of us and was the whole fish. I always get a little leary about eating something looking at me, but it was delicious!
Our drivers stopped along the road and we never knew what was next.  Here they are buying coal and loading it up.

Whew!  Just so you know, this post was worked on little by little all day!  The girls are sleeping now, hopefully we get in a good nap!

Love to all!


Mindy said...

Those girls are absolutley precious!! I love all the pictures and hearing about your time in Ethiopia!

Pam said...

Hope you can get those schedules on track soon!! do you have slings for them??

Kim Plattner said...

So good to hear about your trip, Amy. I LOVE the new pics of the girls! They are so beautiful, and I can't wait to meet them!! Hope you get some sleep tonight!

Love, Kim

Brandy said...

Hey Jon and Ames-It has been so fun tracking your adventures on your blog. Thanks for keeping us updated. Those girls are just beautiful. Can't wait to meet them this summer. And I agree...Bumbo's are AMAZING. Love you guys, Brandy

Kevin and Erica said...

Sounds like you had the full Ziway experience! That fish is awesome, isn't it!?! And the Iffts right-hand man is: Temesgen. He's super quality.
We were hoping the driver situation turned out alright after he arrived so late. Guess he threw in a little extra adventure for you, stopping to buy coal!
erica k