We are less than one week out from returning to Injibara. We’ve progressed in many ways during our time in Addis Ababa and we thank God for each of these areas. Our girls are missing relationships in the USA something fierce and Jon and I are glad they are talking about it. God has also brought new relationships to them and the opportunities for friendship.
I haven’t done a great job with pictures lately as my phone fills up and I am too lazy/busy to make more room but I have plenty of grainy ones of the kiddos. It’s who you came to see anyways. ;)
These two are quite the combo. They sincerely enjoy each other and light up in the other’s presence. It makes me excited for what’s to come. Tiger can support all of Miss T’s weight and crawls around with her on his back.
This guy is a lover. His latest faves are sitting in this bouncy seat (thanks Florek!) and wearing his hat. His language is exploding and though he doesn’t love meeting new adults, he has caught on to extend his hand when he’s greeted. So cute. He repeats words and has recently realized his love for dancing! We’ve always seen him respond to music but now, even when he is tired, he can’t help but moving to a beat.
And this is Rahel, a gracious Godly woman who comes to our house for hair days. It takes about 4 hours a girl and she patiently loves on us all while braiding. We haven’t seen her in about a year and it was so wonderful as she was ecstatic that God has brought us two new babies. I feel like we get to experience the miracle of it over and over here as we slowly are seeing people who we haven’t seen in a long time and they exclaim of God’s goodness to our family.
When I asked the girls to smile for a picture so I could send a picture, this is the pose they chose.
The girls were invited over to play with this lovely little girl (who crosses her eyes as her go-to-pose). It was so sweet, she told her mom she thought she needed initial earrings in her ears so people could tell her apart from J and A.
The sisters watching a cartoon together. Miss T is content when with people and her attention span is impressive.
And once again, these two. I watched Tiger do a cycle of comfort for Miss T. He would put his fingers in her mouth so she could suck on them.
Then he pulled them out and would bounce her about 5 times before repeating the finger suck move. He did this cycle at least ten times.
He is such a full contact lover.
He decided she needed her pacifier
After a few attempts, he discovered it was easier to get it in his own mouth than his sister’s.
Here is where I intervened. Miss T is tough. It’s like she knows he means well.
I want to get more pictures of Eliza as she is incredibly helpful and blesses us in so many ways. She is currently wrapping up school with J and A while Miss T takes a long nap and Tiger is cleaning out the pantry. (It’s amazing how much more lenient I am with my second round of kids.)
Join us in praying:
-We are thinking destination! Pray for calm hearts and minds as we re-enter our Awi neighborhood and we would have the words to proclaim testimony of what God has done and as adoption isn’t understood, it could be understood as the miracle it is. We’ve had so many opportunities here to explain the Gospel as each believer needs to be adopted into God’s family and we become sons and daughters, heirs of Christ!
-Traveling mercies and safety
-And as we pack again, it’s a lot of work but also unsettling for the kids.
As a not twin mom, can I ask- how do you tell your twins apart? 🙈 I'm sure personality gives it away but from pics I would have no idea.
Ahhh these kids, I love em so much! Mandy
I LOVE Tiger and Miss T's relationship. Just darling. Praying!
😍😍 love these pictures and this crew. Prayers guys!!
I love how you said you get to experience the miracles of your babies over and over again as you rekindle your friendships. Wow.
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