Saturday, November 18, 2017

Once Again...

Thanks for your prayers on behalf of Meteku’s family.

I just found this picture from Graham’s camera and it made me laugh. It’s from an traditional restaurant in Ethiopia. Little Miss T’s face is perfect and the food is amazing looking. Have you tried Ethiopian food yet? It’s a fun one. 

DSC 6933

There has been another hard situation and we know your prayers change things. A man who works at the Woodmizer sawmill came. His wife has disappeared. She had a mental break about a month ago and has been leaving in the night. She left for longer this time, leaving her three children, 6, 4 and 5 months. Praise God, there is formula available in town and I had a bottle to give but please pray with us that the mother is healed and returns to her family. My heart breaks for these kiddos and her husband. There is not much available in country in terms of mental health. 


This is not the mother or babies but just a sweet picture of our neighbor girls, Habte wearing her little sister, Helen.

Thanks for loving us and our neighbors. 



J and M said...

Praying for this family!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your transparency in the very difficult situations. Life on the field is hard.

Love and prayers!
