Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Injera Making

Injera is the staple food for many Ethiopians (though Ethiopians are widely varied in climate and culture from people group to people group). However, in the Awi area and most of the highlands, injera is the food. It’s a fermented flat bread, usually cooked over a fire and has a sour taste that compliments the spicy stews. It’s made from teff, a super-grain grown here. This would be what most people eat in our area at every single meal. 

We eat with our right hands, no utensils, using the injera as the vehicle to get the stews into our mouths. Our family usually eats it for lunches. The stews are vegan in the countryside unless it is one of the three meat holidays or a celebration big enough to have a sheep butchered. We love the food and are the verdict is still out for Tiger and what he thinks about the sour and the spicy. I’ve talked to parents here and they have assured me that just introducing a little at a time and not forcing it, he will become accustomed to it and eventually love it. :) 

Imabet made injera the other day and had J, A and Eliza over to watch the process.


It’s definitely a learned skill.


The women would make up a batch for about three days at a time. The injera batter has to sit for a few days as well to ferment.


Many women use a gourd to pour out their batter but these plastic pitchers have been introduced, designed with a nod to the gourd, in the local market and are also being used. The black round item is a clay pan used specifically for this reason.


The women pour it perfectly, so it all fills in, bubbles up and has no holes.


As A found out, it’s not quite as easy as it looks!


J also tried. Not bad for a first time. 


Proud of their creation


We are thankful for neighbors like Imabet who take time to teach Ethiopian culture and tradition to our family! And thanks to Eliza, who does a wonderful job documenting through pictures!


Shari said...

Wow, this is great! Tell the girls that they will have to make some for us to try when we come visit you!

smw said...

This is awesome! I had no idea they made it in such large circles!! I I imagined it the size of pita or naan.

Carol and Doug said...

Interesting. Is it sourer than a San Francisco sourdough? And is it torn off from a common circle at meal time? I also pictured it like naan.