Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Jon wasn't back from a training, we were traveling from Addis Ababa to Injibara home the next morning and late afternoon, there was a knock on my door informing me before we left, all the kids needed updated passport pictures on file. 

Picture this. I know the process in the USA. This is not the same process. Loaded littles in stroller, pep-talked J and A, saw a friend on the way who offered to hold J and A's hand as we have to walk down crowded sidewalks and when the sidewalk is impassable, into the busy street.

Crowds curiously inquiring as to our family's makeup. People informing me three of my kids could not possibly be mine. Strollering through deep ruts, trying to smile, not too hard as the concept of a double stroller is blowing people's minds and their astonishment is humorous. 
(Here is an example of me walking with the kids to buy bread. Can you find the double stroller? We passed close to a school letting out. One big sis stayed protectively by the stroller, the other stayed behind me at the bread counter. And the bread vendor was taking her sweet, old time.) 

We arrive at the photo shop. It is open air and so small only two of us can go in at a time. The other kids stay on the street, people pressing in, trying to figure us out. J and A rock their pictures and model well for the littles. Tiger's turn. He stands sweetly in front of the sheet and won't take his hand out of his mouth. He finally gets a suitable pic. I go to switch the stroller children and Miss T had been so delightfully quiet because I didn't realize she had grabbed a handful of paper, markers and books on the way out. She is a collector. She was covered in marker. Nothing spit and baby wipes wouldn't clean up. 

Her turn in front of the sheet and she had to lay down her load for the picture. 
Notice the paper at her feet. She stood, straighfaced and launched into the longest, "cheeeeeeeeeessseeee" I've ever heard. 

More waiting, more sidewalk discussion time and then these pictures were handed to me. 

And toddler ID pictures are my favorite thing. 

We did it, now we only had the return trip left. ;) My friend commented that it was worth it going just to watch the wake of awe, amusement and confusion. She said next time, she wants to tag along and try to get a video.


Matt and Kristi said...

I love this story so much. I can picture it in exact detail, and I can smell all the smells down the street. I'm so proud of you for handling it all with grace, what would have been such an arduous task a few years ago. Foreign language, no problem. Curious onlookers, no sweat. Unexpected errand, so what? Four kids, the more the merrier! Great job!

Margo said...

Oh Amy. You have such a way of writing! I love it. You're kids rocked the photo session. And I can't stop smiling as I type this! Love - Margo

Unknown said...

This made me smile and giggle thinking of the spectacle you were:) I love that I can kinda picture what is was like! You are such a great sport! And those pics turned out fabulous!

Unknown said...

The last comment was Janel :)

sarah.flyingkites said...

Oh Amy!!!! Thanks for giving us a great visual of your everyday happenings. Sounds pretty overwhelming -- glad you can find the humor in it.

Those pics are PRICELESS!!

Teresa said...

Very entertaining! You write so well that we can really picture it.