Friday, December 4, 2015

The Tortoise

 Over the weekend, our friends from the hot, deserty West went north and left Daisy, the tortoise in our care. She has to be walked several times a day (away from dogs’ mouths) and needs sunshine and vegetables. Daisy’s favorite food is carrots but she can only eat those if they are cooked. 

We learned that we are not ready for a pet the girls take care of; though, it was fun for three days. A tortoise also couldn’t survive here because of ants. We have vicious, flesh eating ants that could enter her shell and she is powerless against them.

The idea of taking Daisy for a promenade was hatched while sitting in a neighbor’s hut. There are no tortoises in this region and because of little access to books and pictures, the concept of a tortoise was unheard of, “He wears his house? What?”

Her afternoon walks were then public.

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The response was amazing and the questions continual. 

“What does it eat?”

“Does it bite?”

“Is it scary/“

“How does it reproduce?”

“Can it never leave it’s shell?”

“How does it grow?”

"What does it eat?” 

“Where do they come from?” 

etc, etc, etc

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What an amazing teaching opportunity!  I’m now brainstorming what other non-dangerous animals we can pet sit. 


Baby Shower in a Box:

Would anyone be interested in blessing a friend of ours here as she is preparing to have her first baby? If so, send me an e-mail so we can discuss details. The box would need to be sent before the beginning of January and I know December is a full time! amy.gerst @ sim. org


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