Wednesday, January 13, 2016

King's Third Birthday

Little Nigoos (translation: King) was just a baby on his sister’s back when we first moved to the countryside. 

He’s grown into a smart, sweet little guy who chatters on, though we can understand little of what he says. 

Many people in our area have a loose idea of their ages but increasingly, the younger kids have a good idea when their birthday is based around a holiday. For example, “Oh, he will be three around Christmas” or “She turns five around Easter”. 

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He is a baby born around Christmas. It was so fun to celebrate with holiday bread, popcorn and cherry plums.  So much is changing here so fast.  Like the idea of a birthday party. It would be an idea that a townsperson has picked up, and because Nigoos has family in the town, he benefitted. It’s astounding, progressive and at some points, a little sad.  (Why progressive things make me a little sad is another post for another day). 

We had talked before about traditions for birthday and his dad mentioned that he knew Western custom was candles, so we brought three.

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First time he has blown out birthday candles and it frustrated/delighted him because he was far away and they were hard for him to blow out. 

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With his parents. 

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And his oldest sister roasted, ground and boiled the coffee. 



Amazing things are happening here. Please pray with us for God’s blessing, wisdom, grace and encouragement and protection.  

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I love this! It's so neat that they included your family in the celebration. Something about the coffee roasting always intrigues me. Prayers and Love for you continue!