Thursday, May 31, 2012

Full of Trust

Sometimes I watch the girls and wonder what it would feel like to be carefree.  What if the biggest decision you made in your day was, “Do you want Mama to put you in the high chair or do you want to climb in yourself?”?


I watch my goofy girls in toddlerhood and see so many things I adore about this stage (I also have a list of things I do NOT adore about this stage!).  I am not two, a few decades past and now I sometimes find myself full of fear.

As we prayerfully move forward in preparation for overseas living, I realize my chief concern can be boiled down to this:

I do not fear that God is not sovereign but I do fear what His plan might look like.

Yesterday I was telling The Littles the story of when the children were turned away by the disciples but Jesus called them back (Matthew 19:13-15) and proclaimed “to such belongs the kingdom of heaven”.

I want to be like a little child.


Miranda said...

"I do not fear that God is not sovereign but I do fear what His plan might look like."

I could have written this statement myself! I love how you put it into words. I'll be praying that you can rest in Him and overcome those fears!

Anonymous said...

I love your transparency and I love you! Mom