Monday, September 12, 2011

My Pumpkin Elves

While digging through clothes last week, assessing how many winter clothes The Littles have, I ran across two pumpkin costumes from Maya and Sofia (a set of twins that graciously share their hand-me-downs).  Last year The Littles were too small for these, so I stowed them away for this year.  Sadly enough, this year, they are too big for the costumes.

  However, after Little J tried on one, Little A had to have one too and even though I couldn’t get the snaps together, they insisted on wearing them ALL morning long.  Even though they were sweating and we played outside.

arbor 299 arbor 300

(Watching “Mickey Mouse”)

The Littles were finally talked out of the pumpkins at lunch time because of my pleas of not wanting to get the pumpkins dirty.

In going through picture archives, The Littles are accessorizing themselves often now.  Here are a few examples:

Laundry Day 145

Little A, sitting on the potty, with her monkey backpack and shorts on her head.

Pokagon 035 Pokagon 049

Zipping around in their old bath towels, transformed into a monkey and bear cape.  (Which, greatly increases their speed, when they have something on their heads, they zoom around and around a small loop in our house).

Pokagon 043

With slight pauses in the action for kisses.

Maybe it is time we get some dress up clothes at our house? ;)


smw said...

i love the shorts on the head. :)

T and M said...

these are too cute. i love the pic of the monkey head peeking over A's shoulder ( :