Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sinking Into…

The depths of despair with potty training. I know, it has not even been 48 hours.  And I wonder where The Littles get their flair for drama?  :)

They are scared of poop in the potty…and pee. Making very little progress. 

Feel free to say a little prayer for us.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I TOTALLY TOTALLY understand the depths of despair feeling when it comes to potty training! Seriously, I think it's my least favorite aspect of parenting to date...way to go with encouragement eh?! Sorry!

I actually quit with my first after 24 hours. When I tried again almost a year later the pee part was figured out in less than a day...the poop...a whole nother story. But then my next two potty trained better. But probably because I was too chicken to start too early. They were more ready than I was!

I can't IMAGINE training 2 at once! So I am praying for you!! May God pour on the grace!!!