Friday, June 15, 2012

So Much Movement I Could Burst!

Their journeys we have followed closely, rejoicing in completed dossiers, referrals, court dates and embassy submissions. While we have many friends and acquaintances in the process, I just have to SHOUT for joy at the recent movement among these dear families!

They could also use your prayers.  The whole families, the parents, the kids already in the home and the new son or daughter.  Sometimes, it seems that the end of adoption is when your child is finally in your arms.  While in some ways this is true, the process is over and the heart fills with much thankfulness and relief, it’s really the beginning.  The adoption is complete, the title of son or daughter doesn’t waver but it is the beginning of healing a life that has faced varying degrees of trauma, attaching and restoration in heart of a little one who is leaving everything they know. Most times, amidst the beauty, it’s messy and hard for everyone involved.

Jon and Beth just received confirmation of their embassy appointment and are scrambling to get on the plane!


David and Larisa also just received confirmation and are in the same spot. Within a few short weeks, their son will be home!

book 2

Michael and Mindy are also soon boarding a plane for their embassy date.

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Jeff and Sarah are meeting their son for the first time and attending the courtdate.

(Sorry, no pictures to post and I can’t find their blog)

Let’s pray for these families and praise God for His goodness!


David and Larisa said...

Oh Amy, thanks for the prayer request! We are so excited that we will get to be with Michael and Mindy next week too. :-)

Unknown said...


sarah.flyingkites said...

LOVE how you described it!

Alison said...

So excited for these families!!!!

Mindy said...

You are so sweet Amy! Thank you for the prayer request - we will definitely need prayers!!

So excited we get to be with David & Larisa - so neat how God worked that out!