Thursday, October 13, 2011


A mother once told me, “When you are a mom, the days go slow, but the years fly by.”

Next week marks our 1 1/2 anniversary with the girls. I know, not that big of deal to celebrate, but it has made me a bit reflective. :) Since on the official day (October 19th), I will be getting wisdom teeth extracted and four cavities filled, I plan to not post because pain medicine messes with me. While it would probably be amusing for you, I will try to spare myself embarrassment and have Jon change my password or something. ;)

Mother's Day

While there is nothing quite as breathtaking as chunky little babies, I am glad we are through this stage. :)

Zoo with daddy 252

My Littles may need a new name soon as they insist that they are “big girls”.

Zoo with daddy 206

Big girls with cheesy grins.

Speaking of reflective, I just stumbled across this photo from our homecoming at the airport.  I am so thankful that my girls had the opportunity to meet their great-grandpa.  They are also still blessed with 4 living great-grandparents, a blessing for which I am so thankful.

Grandpa F


Amber said...

It was so good to see you last weekend and catch up - continue to think of you!! The girls are so sweet . . .

Anonymous said...

ok...the airport picture brought tears.

Aunt Teresa

smw said...

that airport picture is so precious.

Nichole said...

yep. the airport picture. i've got tears too.
congratulations on 1 1/2 years and i hope the pain at the dentist isn't too bad...

Anonymous said...

It's a blink for sure! How old are you? How old am I?

I love you,